The GainesCon Film Festival & Expo is a new nonprofit organization with an annual event that showcases, educates, and produces independent filmmakers and film-industry talent whose content lies within the action, sci-fi, and fantasy genres, with a strong emphasis on cultural representation from underrepresented groups, such as: the economically disadvantaged, ethnic minorities, females, and the LGBTQIA+ community.
We will also include a mentorship program that provides local film artists with a viable outlet and professional avenue for their work, helping them see vibrant career pathways beyond their current abilities, and contributing to positive workforce development in the local community.
This July 11th & 12, from 12pm to 6pm, we will be having our first nonprofit event at the wonderful District North Downtown Cinemas, formally known as Art Houz and is expected to draw in over 500 in-person and virtual attendees.
The event provides individual screenings of the submitted short films, both in-person and virtually, along with a multitude of educational information. Workshops include targeted sessions on the various aspects of film production, such as basic filmmaking techniques, visual effects, fighting choreography, music composing, and much more, led by confirmed film industry professionals; as well as segments on tips for maintaining physical and mental health for artists, business planning, on-set safety and etiquette.
Confirmed event attendees and workshop presenters include representatives from major Hollywood film studios, such as:
- Scott Windhauser: Hollywood action director and writer with over 25 years of experience. Latest film is “Deep Six” starring Tom Welling (Smallville)
- Michael Carman: “Red Digital Cinema”- Cinematographer and Regional Sales Manager.
- Massimiliano Cerchi (Max): “Lionsgate Entertainment” – Hollywood Action Director.
- Andrea Bellucci: Hollywood Music Composer.
- James Yon: Comedian – Host of Comcast “The Lowdown” in Orlando, FL. Worked with internationally known comedians such as Bill Bellamy & Orlando Jones.
- Affliction: Husband and Wife R&B & Hip-Hop group.
- Emre Orun: MMA Champion Fighter. Physical Ed & Self Defense Instructor.
On the last day, we will be having our Dragon Awards, when we’ll be announcing the winners of either The Dragon Certificate, The Golden Dragon Trophy or The Red Dragon Trophy. The dragons represent the strength, perseverance, talent, and internal flame you need to possess to complete any filmmaking project.
In order to make the event as inclusive as possible, ticket prices will start at only $25, so we are heavily relying on sponsors to help us put on a quality event. GainesCon is also working on identifying local community centers that would stream the event for free, to be able to include more under-privileged virtual attendees. And, as a salute to our Real Action Heroes, all Military personnel will be admitted in for free while expressing our support for more Veterans in film production.
GainesCon Film Festival & Expo appreciates all of the wonderful sponsors who dedicate resources to enriching the lives of amateur filmmakers and film industry talent. All contributors to the programs and festival will be prominently displayed on all digital and print media, including billboards, online ads, and an updated website, and will be personally acknowledged by the CEO during the live event.
So let’s build this new and exciting Las Vegas space together. Your action helps create their action!